Monday, November 2, 2009

Lipid Reading Questions

Lipid Reading Questions
1) What molecules include fats?
2) What are the two different types of monomers to making a fat/oil?
3) Explain the name “triglyceride”
4) What is a main distinction between fats and oils. Give some examples of each.
5) What is the general appearance of the tail in a fat?
6) How does the structure of a fat with its hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties lend itself nicely to be added into soaps?
7) What is meant by the term “emulsify”?
8) Compare and contrast the structure of a saturated fat with a unsaturated fat. Give examples where each can be found.
9) What is a hydrogenated vegetable oil? Why would it be solid at room temperature?
10) What are the two types of bonds that can form in an unsaturated fat?
11) Explain why one is better or worse than the other?
12) Why is re-fried food from McDonalds so bad for us it they just use vegetable (unsaturated fat) to cook the food?
13) Why do we store fat as our long term energy source? Think about density!!!!
14) Make a Venn diagram to describe the structure of a fat and a phospholipid.

See this link to see what a Venn diagram is…

Note differences in each molecule on the “side” circles and in the middle note what parts they have in common

15) How do phospholipids arrange themselves when forming the cell membrane? Draw an example and label the hydrophilic and hydrophobic sides.
16) Describe in DETAIL the backbone of a steroid.
17) What are three common steroids you are familiar with.
18) Why do we need cholesterol? Give three reasons!
19) What is one way a person can prevent a high blood cholesterol level even if they eat a high cholesterol diet?
20) Explain the differences between LDL and HDL!

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